Monday, March 9, 2009

This week, on General Blogspital

Or All My Blogdren, or our personal favorite, Blogs of our Lives.

First the results! Thanks, for your guesses, and thanks for the explanation behind the guesses. The band I guessed so incredibly wrong, was Neil Young and Crazy Horse. Yes, I was that wrong.

I planted seeds this weekend! Yay! The beginning of my garden.

I also finished the first actual knitting project I've ever done. It's very small.

That and more to come on my whole 2nd week of posting every day.


Kristina P. said...

Love General Blogspital.

Kara said...

I haven't watched days of our lives since tcu. remember that?

Giraffeman said...

I haven't paid much attention since they brought on a new Belle. And Stefano is still doing bad things even though he was on another show on another network. And we all saw Tony die. John almost was killed cause of it. Luckily Sammy is still on there. Just gives me more reason to not turn it on. I won't watch biggest loser cause she is on there. She's such an evil witch. So yeah, I haven't watched it since college when my profesional wrestler roomate watched it.